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Grace is God’s unmerited favor that brings about salvation and His divine power living in us changing us from the inside out. We receive His grace simply because we are "in Christ." The focus is on Jesus and the finished work of the cross. 

Living Under Grace - What Does it Look Like?

  • Our Identity in Christ can be discovered. It becomes the most important identity we have. 


  • Our Spiritual Gifts can begin to be recognized. 


  • The Fruit of the Spirit begins to grow in and through us. 


  • The Holy Spirit allows us to wrestle with Him in the soul to discover false beliefs and deceptions. 


  • Forgiveness through grace releases us from bondage. 


  • Our dependence on the Father and consulting Him allows us to stop taking matters into our own hands. 


  • The Holy Spirit begins transforming our old ways of thinking into the mind of Christ which we receive at the point of our salvation. 


  • The Holy Spirit can bring us to the point of surrender over every area of our lives that we are trying to control. 


  • The Holy Spirit can use our God-given personalities for His glory and purpose. He can make us into the best version of ourselves. 


  • We can love our spouses from a position of grace. “Father, may you express your love through me towards my wife/husband today. I release control of the lies that I have to do everything right. I hold on to who I am in Christ.”


  • We can parent from a position of grace. “Father, please parent through me today. Allow my kids to see the expression of your Son. I release control of the lies that I have to do everything right. I hold on to who I am in Christ.”


  • We can love others from a position of grace. “Father, please express your love through me today. I release control over my thoughts or opinions. May you extend your loving grace through me to them.”

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