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David Nunez

Bold looks good on you!

One thing to know about me is, I love history. Mainly the cowboys, native Americans era. Phil Robertson, from the Unashamed Podcast (Link down below), gave a history lesson that caught my attention. He asked a history professor to do some research for him. The research was based on Empires that have risen and fallen since the beginning of time. What intrigued me is how historically accurate this list was in accordance to the Bible. From King Nebuchanezzer to Augustus Caesar and onward. Even the Empires we are seeing currently- United States of America, China, Russia, Germany, and others.

What they continued dissecting was the notion that all of these empires have (or will) fall. All of the empires that have fallen had one thing in common- God was not the foundation of that Empire. Now 2021 years after Jesus rose from the dead, we are looking at the current Empires in shambles. All of which are Empires who are currently attempting to etch out Christianity, United States included. Phil stated, “All these man-made Empires, you look at them, and stack it up to who or what they’re built on. None of them were built on Jesus. They rose and fell based on or lack thereof the God of Heaven.”

When we choose to believe in the finished work of the cross and what it means for us as believers in Jesus Christ. We immediately begin to function from a different source of life! An imperishable seed [see 1 Peter 1:23], in which your spirit, soul, and body are made holy and blameless in the infusion of God’s very Spirit in ours. We begin functioning from a different source of identity, child of God, children of Light. [see John 1:12, Ephesians 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:5]

Why am I saying these things? Because if we are in Christ, we become imperishable, and come from an unconquerable Kingdom. If that statement is true, like I know it is, why are we so willing to choose to believe that we are perishable? That we serve a conquerable Kingdom? Jase, Phil’s son, said, “What you have in Jesus, even death, is more powerful than any world group with weapons. It makes us indestructible.” I believe that. What would happen if we begun living our lives in line with living boldly? What would it look like to fight for matters of the Kingdom of God?

There are those making headlines right now sharing the truth of the Gospel, having worship concerts, attending church regardless of mandates, getting drug out from church services and being arrested for sharing the truth. This is never what surface messages or news media will tell you, in fact a headline from The Washington Examiner read, “Canadian Pastor arrested for ‘organizing an illegal in-person gathering’ at his church.” All of the news outlets will say, “despite COVID regulations…” but we have to begin to wonder, is it truly about regulations anymore? Or is it a battle between good and evil?

Nevertheless, while there may not be many outward moments to share Christ to millions. What would it look like for the rest of us to express Christ’s life to the world around us? We may not feel like we are making an impact, in fact, it may not be a reason for concern. But what if there are moments in our every day life where we take, or begin to take, a stand for our faith? What if you are out with your family, or friends, and begin praying over your meal. What would that say to your family or friends? What if it came down to rethinking (repenting) on how you live your life, and making that active choice to choose Christ over whatever you were caught up in, or even losing the way you’ve once walked in order to trust that Christ has the best intentions and more for your life? What will that say to your children?

There are ways to be bold and courageous whether it be a grand venue, or just your backyard. When we choose to stand for what Christ says is right and true, those around us will recognize the power of God. This is why we cannot be afraid to stand up for what Jesus says is right and true-Jesus has already conquered the world. Through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, He established His throne on the cross. Life has never been the same since death died. The boldness and the confidence that are within us are noticeable, and it only comes from God the Father.

Not only that, when it is all said and done,

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?… No, in all these things we are more than conquerors THROUGH Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,” nor covid, nor politics nor media, nor corporations nor countries, fill in the blank, “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:35,37-39

Do not let the ways of the world and its corruptions fool you, for Christ has overcome the world. By His Spirit, we may continue in boldness and confidence.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 1 Corinthians 10:3,4

We don’t fight like the world, while the world tries and takes with power, we have a divine power inside of us, fighting every battle for us. It is impossible to lose. Whatever comes our way in the near future, always remember, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” [see Romans 8:31]

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